2008年6月22日 星期日

<影片>One With The Freaks by The Notwist

you'll no longer be kissed
and kind, as you long for
intuition, as you have to
learn the lesson twice
You'll no longer be kissed
and kind, as you long for
intuition, as you have to
say the last password twice

Have you ever, have you ever
been all messed up,
have you ever?
have you ever, have you ever
been all messed up,
have you ever?

You're the pincard, you're
the lifeguard, you're the
information guy, but things
look much bigger on the
knees, on your knees.
Miss the signal, miss the
signpost, lose the access to
it all. and all of a sudden
you are one with the freaks.


所謂的好歌應該就是會在某些時刻突然打進你的心裡的歌吧!這首The Notwist 的One With The Freaks就是這樣的一首歌,簡簡單單的電子節奏、簡單的吉他旋律、簡單的歌詞、簡單節奏,但是當獨自一個人坐捷運或等車發呆、無意識的騎車的時候,只要聽到這首歌,就好像突然被什麼打醒一樣,好像有人在旁邊對你說︰「嘿!別發呆了!幹活吧!人生鳥事很多,但是又如何?人生不就是這樣!」



2 則留言:

VISION 提到...

沒想到汪六也聽the notwist。每次聽到pick up the phone就讓我以為電話亭是友團

wangsix 提到...
